Thetensile yield strength of each t:110kn/m
5%elongation when tensile force: ≥60kn/m

The unidirectional-elongation geogrid is auniform-holed mesh extruded from macromolecular polymer and subjected toelongation. This process enables the macromolecules to be in a directional andlinear state, and assumes an elliptical integral structure with evendistribution of macromolecules and high-strength nodes. This structure tends tohave a considerable tensile strength and elongation modulus (elongation at 2% to5%) that exceeds international standard. This provides soil with an idealinterlocking system for load capacity and dispersion on the soil. The producthas a tensile strength of over 150Mpa, hence is suitable for all types of soiland is now widely used as reinforcement material.
1. Linear polymer into the state and the formation ofuniform, high intensity nodes oblong mesh structure. This structure has a veryhigh tensile strength and rigidity to the soil provides the ideal force'scommitment to the proliferation of chains. With good water conductivity, thenonwoven geotextile forms a water discharge channel in the soil and dischargesredundant liquid and vapor in the soil.
2. unidirectional-elongation
plastic geogrid advantageis sustained in the long term deformation under load (creep) the tendency ofsmall, creep strength is much better than other materials geogrid, for improvingthe project life has an important role. It can effectively diffuse, transmit ofallocate stress to prevent external force from damaging the soil.
3. Grille mesh and soil interlock between the bite andthe role of stress constitutes an efficient transmission mechanism, so that thelocal load quickly and efficiently spread to a large area of soil to go in order to achieve lower local failurestress, improve project life. There is rare chance of mesh orifices beingblocked because the mesh made up of flexible fiber is adaptable andmoveable.
GeogridsUniaxial GG110 Technical Specification |
Property | TestMethod | Unit | Index |
Thetensile yield strength | | KN/M | ≥110 |
Yieldelongation | | % | ≤10 |
2%elongation at tensile force | | KN/M | ≥30 |
5%elongation at tensile force | | KN/M | ≥60 |
Creeplimit strength elongation | | % | ≥25 |
Packaging | | Details |
RollDimensions(W×L) | | Accordingto customer requirement |
SquareMetersPer Roll | | |
EstimatedRoll Weight | | |
Road bed reinforcement, it can effectivelyallocate and disperse load, improves the stability and load capacity of road andextend the useful life of road;
It can withstand greater alternatingload;
It can prevent road bed deformation andbreakage caused by loss of road bed material;
By increasing the self-road bearingcapacity of backfill behind the retaining wall, it can reduce the load onretaining wall, save cost, extend it's useful life and lower maintenancecost;
Combined with slope maintenance using hotconcrete, it can not only save cost by 30% to 50%, but also shorten constructionduration by half time;
By adding
geogrid in the road bed and basecourse, it can reduce curve settlement, less traffic tracks, delay theoccurrence of cracks by 3 to 9 times the period and reduce the thickness ofstructural course by 36%;
It is suitable for all types of soil andall material is available locally;
It is convenient in application and maysignificantly reduce construction cost.